Thursday, November 14th is Genetic Counselor Awareness Day!

Please join SCGC at Happy Hour to celebrate. There will be GC Awareness Day Happy Hours in 3 locations. See details:
San Diego
Thursday, November 14th
Ballast Point Brewing Miramar, Outdoor Patio
9045 Carroll Way, San Diego, CA
Orange County
Thursday, November 14th
4th Street Market
201 E 4th St., Santa Ana, CA
Los Angeles
Thursday, November 14th
Citizen Public Market, 1st Floor
9355 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA
SCGC Elections
Vote for the 2025 SCGC Board of Directors! We have an exciting slate of nominees. All full members (board-certified or board-eligible genetic counselors working or residing in Southern California) are able to participate in the election. Slate is provided below. Full members will receive voting instructions to approve the slate and/or write in candidate suggestions on Monday, November 18th. Voting will be open 11/18-11/27.

New Slate:
President Elect: Lauren Siems Watson
Treasurer: Emily Parkhurst
Secretary: Ruben Martin
Membership Co-Chairs: Nicole Choy and Jamie Phan
Outreach Co-Chairs: Hunaydah Elfarawi and Rushna Raza Inaba
The continuing positions will be:
Executive Officers
President: Rebecca LeShay Araujo
Past President: Joan Oliver
Directors at Large
Marketing: Annina Cooper
Education Co-Chairs: Kathryn Reyes and Nydia Santiago Neal
DEI Co-Chairs: Amanda de Leon and Ariadna Martinez
Many thanks to the Nominating Committee:
Emily Sarnoff
Kalina Stefanov
Nydia Santiago Neal, Education Co-Chair
Naomi Wagner, outgoing Membership Chair
Stacey Wong, Past President and Nominating Committee Chair
Voting instructions will be emailed out to full members on Monday, November 18th.
Update your SCGC Profile
To make sure you are able to vote and receive other important SCGC updates, please remember to update your information on the SCGC website! First, log in to the SCGC website. You can find your contact information by clicking on the down arrow to the right of your name at the top right corner of the home page. Click “My Account” to view and update your profile information. With many job changes happening and students graduating and joining the genetic counseling profession, your information may need updating. Updating your location will also help us to plan more local events! Contact with questions.