Past Conferences
1st Annual Education Conference:
Genetic Counselors – Advancing the Role of Genomic Medicine in Health Care
May 18th, 2018 | Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) |
Claremont, CA
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2nd Annual Education Conference:
Genetics in the Digital Age: Expansions in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Social Response
June 7th, 2019 | UCLA Geffen Hall |
Los Angeles, CA
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Conference Committee
Chair: Stacey Wong
Steering committee: Michelle Fox, Bill Herbert
CEU Coordinators: Ping Gong, Kate Partynski
Communications Coordinator: Ping Gong
Facilities Liaisons: Naghmeh Dorrani, Michelle Fox
Marketing Coordinators: Carol Ko, Marina Dutra-Clarke
Program Committee: Margaret Au (Chair)
Naghmeh Dorrani, Kate Partynski
Registration Committee: Jessica Kianmahd (Chair)
Marina Dutra-Clarke, Rebecca Signer
Research Roundup/Student Posters: Susy Malca
Sponsors Coordinators: Alexandria Meyer, Rebecca Signer

3rd Annual Education Conference:
Genetic Counseling 2020: Community, Innovation, and Advocacy
Aug 28, 2020 | Presented Virtually
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Conference Committee
AEC Co-Chairs: Stacey Wong and Amy Poole
Program: Kate Partynski (Chair), Jamie Beavers, Emily Kelley,
Rebecca LeShay, Chandler Means, Ping Gong, Danielle
Marketing: Carol Ko (Chair), Marina Dutra-Clarke, Katie Delong,
Lauren Siems
Registration: Franceska Hinkamp & Marina Dutra-Clarke (Co Chairs),
Ariela Emery, Jessica Kianmahd
Sponsors: Bita Nehoray & Charite Ricker (Co Chairs), Michelle
Fox, Bill Herbert
Virtual Facilities: Susy Malca, Emily Kelley

4th Annual Education Conference:
Examining Our Present to
Illuminate Our Future
Aug 20th, 2021 | Presented Virtually
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Conference Committees
5th Annual Education Conference:
May 13th, 2022 | Paradise Point | San Diego, CA | Concurrently presented virtually
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Conference Committee
AEC Co-Chairs: Taylor Berninger and Annie Baxter
Program: Hilary Kershberg and Emily Parkhurst (Co-Chairs),
Hannah Andrews, Angela Filose, Sandra Dreike
CEU Coordinator: Jessica Norris
Marketing: Alaina Heinen and Annina Cooper (Co-Chairs),
Carol Ko, Lauren Siems, Danielle Williams
Registration: Amy Poole and Meera Clytone (Co-Chairs),
Cheryl Cina, Melissa Wong
Sponsors: Marie Chuldzhyan and Gillian Halter (Co-Chairs),
Michelle Fox, Bill Herbert
Virtual: Sandra Dreike (Chair)
Stacey Wong, Tali Ekstein
Facilities: Sam Kreilis (Chair)
Day-of-Coordinator: Kyra Firestone